Hi, I'm Anuradha Ramprasad

front-end developer, animal lover and a hodophile

What I do

I am professional front-end developer and I enjoy creating rapid MVP's and
proof-of-concept(proof-of-contents) for the projects I am engaged in.


  • Anuradha Ramprasad's Cross-platform support

    Achieving Cross-platform support through web and mobile development.

  • Anuradha Ramprasad's multipleBrowserSupport

    Handling Browser Compatibility issues within a quick turn around.

  • Anuradha Ramprasad's accessibility

    Improving the Usability Aspect for everyone equally by creating highly Accessible websites

  • Anuradha Ramprasad's accessibility

    Development of Secure websites by implementing Captcha and packages for handling XSS and other Attacks


  • HTML5


  • Javascript/

  • NodeJS

  • ReactJS

  • MongoDB

  • AngularJS(2.0)

  • C/C++/JAVA

  • Python

  • Bootstrap/

About Me

Anuradha Ramprasad

I am an enthusiastic front end developer and I have developed websites with cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility, efficient security and high accessibility aspects as well. My journey as a front-end developer began at Tata Consultancy Services(-a well-established web consulting and servicing organization). After a period of 2.5 years at TCS, I decided to strengthen my foundation in Computer Science, an ardent reason that urged and persuaded me to complete my Master's in Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2016. I am currently working as a full-stack developer at Verizon, Basking Ridge, NJ. Enhancing my skills as a dedicated software developer and consistent contribution in my field of work with the best of my abilities has always been my principal objective, all throughout my Professional life.

Feel free to contact me


Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA
Full Stack Developer (Direct contractor) at Verizon Wireless via Newt Global Consulting LLC, Irving, Texas, USA November 2017 - DATE
  • Developing new features and API’s using NodeJS Framework with Express server, Java, Highcharts, d3.js,CartoDB and MySQL for supporting the existing products and also upcoming projects as a part of Verizon Metric and Analytics Systems(VMAS)
  • Technologies and Tools used:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, JAVA,J2EE, MySQL, PostgesSQL, NodeJS, HapiJS, Express framework, ReactJS,Highcharts, d3.js, CartoDB
New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Wood Bridge, NJ, USA
Junior ETC Software Programmer September 2017 – November 2017
  • Developed new functionalities to support new shifts introduced for the latest tolling system
  • Enhanced the entire application to work on modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox) apart from the old IE10 compatibility view in which it was originally built in
  • Monitoring data accuracy in the Oracle server for generating audit status, location version status and other reports
  • Technologies and Tools used:HTML, CSS3, JSP, JAVA, SQL, Rational Application Developer, Oracle Database.
Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Web Developer/Systems Engineer October 2012 – May 2015
  • Module lead- Developed and Took ownership of mailing system module for a delivery platform.
  • Conducted Training sessions on client side form validations using AngularJS and BootStrap.
  • Received appreciation for taking the initiative of handling browser compatibility issues with a quick turnaround
  • Developed a Reusable Form Component individually for all the modules in the entire project platform.
  • Achieved the platform to support multiple screen resolutions simultaneously.
  • Sought after for being Critical resource in rapid webpage development for most of the modules in the platform and received appreciation on the same from the respective module leads
  • Technologies and Tools used:HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, JQuery, NodeJS, AngularJS-1, PostgresSQL, JAVA, Spring, Hibernate, Eclipse, SVN, Sublime Texts, Microsoft Visual Studio


Movie Catalog Website -MovieFlix May 2017 –June 2017
  • Created a website allowing a user to view, sort and filter movie listings, rate movies and provide comments
  • Developed Rest services using Java Spring, Hibernate, Maven and MySQL and user interface with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and AngularJS-2.
  • (https://github.com/anuradhakrsna/movieFlix)

Academic Projects

Stevens Institute Of Technology, Hoboken , New Jersey, USA
Web Programing-I June 2016 –August 2016
  • Developed an effectively secure, highly accessible and cross-platform compatible Car-Pooling website-ShareMyRide by taking partial ownership as an efficient team member
  • Technologies and Tools used:Sublime Texts, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Tota11y of khan academy, visual studio code.
  • (https://github.com/anuradhakrsna/shareMyRide)
Introduction to Java Programming June 2016 –August 2016
  • Developed a Sudoku application using JavaFX GUI Library achieving functionalities like playing a new randomized puzzle, creating a new puzzle, exporting and importing a puzzle.
  • Utilized Panes to separate out different work areas in the application and CSS to define the interface.
  • (https://github.com/anuradhakrsna/Sudoku-Player)
Knowledge Discovery and Data mining Jan 2017 –May 2017
  • Analysis of the Interest level factor received for each new rental listing on Renthop website using R.
  • Normalized variables after data cleaning, Analyzed and Predicted Interest level factor using KNN algorithm.

Be In Touch